Experience a taste of Eden by growing some of your own vegetables, fruits, or flowers. There are may ways to find your own connection to the vibrant energy of growing plants, wherever you may live.

Beginner gardeners can get guidance on sites like this. Even if you lack a green thumb or garden patch, try to find one way to strengthen your contact with the soil this week: putting a plant on your desk at work, shopping at a Farmer’s Market, making a Shabbat centerpiece of flowers and herbs, taking time to wander through a public garden and smell the flowers. Look into a CSA (Community Sponsored Agriculture) subscription from local farmers. If you are stuck inside a lot, houseplants can improve the quality of the air you breathe indoors.

To really find your spirituality in the garden, check into the Jewish Farming and Permaculture programs listed on the Resource Page.

Consider and comment: Where do you find your garden connection?

Featured Image: Apricot tree and mulch in Carla’s garden, Carla Resnick

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