Sharing Circle: Light

Sharing Circle: Light

Hidden & Revealed

Revealed Light: Has the light of a certain landscape revealed something in your soul? What experiences of light do you treasure?

Hidden Light: Where have you found a “hidden” light? In learning, spiritual practice, deeds? Or perhaps guiding your own creativity? In making Shabbat? (more…)

Sharing Circle: Your Garden of Eden

Sharing Circle: Your Garden of Eden

Join the sharing circle to share your reflections about any of the themes in this Gateway.

Did you have a special place in nature that was formative to your soul, your own “Garden of Eden”? What was it like? Do you have such a place now?

Is gardening a spiritual practice for you?

How can we share the joys of gardening, or share those special places of the soul with others? Is there any project you are working on, such as a community garden, that you would like to share with other visitors to Wellsprings of Wisdom?


Sharing Circle: Wings

Sharing Circle: Wings

Are you a serious birder, a bird lover, or have you had any amazing encounters with a bird or birds? Do birds or other winged creatures have a special meaning or association in your life?

Do you love butterflies, dragonflies, or other small creatures with wings?

What do birds or flying insects symbolize to you? Freedom, flight, transformation, home?
