January 1, 2017

8th Day of Hanukkah 5777

Welcome to the NEW Wellsprings of Wisdom!

The confluence of the solar New Year with the Hanukkah festival of re-dedication brings an auspicious time to relaunch this site.

Thanks to our talented and dedicated web designer Rivkah Walton, and after many months of work moving all the material, Wellsprings has moved to this new WordPress Platform. Our new format will make it easier to update regJHD in Boulder, Coloradoularly. I look forward to sharing more frequent teachings, images, videos and music, and to showcasing the work of many rabbis, teachers and creative artists. Wellsprings aims to be a truly alternative online experience, a place where you can nurture your soul and learn about retreat centers, outdoor adventures, and worthwhile organizations that help the environment and society.

If you are new to the site, you can start here for a full explanation of how it works.

If you are a past reader of Wellsprings of Wisdom, you will find the four Portals of Earth/Water/Air/Fire, and your favorite original Gateways. Explore them anew to discover some updates and new pathways (posts), including videos, images, and meditations.

In honor of our relaunch, at this season of the Winter Solstice, a new Gateway has been added: Darkness, where you can learn about the night side of nature, tradition, and spirituality. Thank you to Rabbis Fern Feldman, David Evan Markus, and David Seidenberg for sharing your wisdom, and to Rabbi Geela Rayzel Raphael for sharing music.

Wellsprings of Wisdom will continue to add new pathways (posts) to existing Gateways (content pages), and to add whole new Gateways, so be sure to subscribe to this “What’s New” blog to know what’s been added each week!