Holy Land

Holy Land

Holy Land (Eretz Kodesh)

ארץ קודש

The Torah (Five Books of Moses) is a story of a people and our ties to a sacred land, the Land of Israel. Promised to the Patriarchs, its habitation was still conditional on love of God and obedience to God’s ways. The Saga of the Jewish people became the story of living in the land, being exiled twice by powerful empires, and longing for our native land over two millennia. In modern times, Jews returned to and rebuilt a national homeland in Israel.

Just as love for one child can open our hearts to the needs of children everywhere, so, too can the persistent love for one ancestral landscape, ultimately open one’s heart to the sanctity of the entire earth. “The Earth belongs to God, with all that it holds, the planet and everyone in it.” (Psalm 24). One of the premises of Wellsprings of Wisdom is that our entire planet –uniquely hospitable, verdant, and filled with beauty and life–is our Holy Land, our living Temple, our sacred Garden of Eden.

Enter the Gateway of Holy Land to explore the holiness of all natural places: whether meandering, encountering animals, or finding your sanctuary outdoors. While you are here, you can also explore the ways in which the geography and climate of the Land of Israel shaped the Jewish people, and learn about some of the holy people working tirelessly for peace in the Holy Land. 

Choose your favorite Pathway, or follow them in order:

Shemitah: The Sabbatical Year

Shemitah: The Sabbatical Year

Shemitah, the Sabbatical year (Levicitus 25), is a revolutionary Torah commandment: every seven years the land will lie fallow and enjoy a Sabbatical year of rest and release. The land needs to rest just as human beings need a weekly Sabbath. Deuteronomy 15 adds a...

Tikkun Olam: Interfaith Dialogue in the Holy Land

Tikkun Olam: Interfaith Dialogue in the Holy Land

Jerusalem is a holy city to Jews, Christians, and Muslims, and its very name means, "The City of Peace." But the deep history and religious passions that make the city and the land sacred to so many have also contributed to strife. Although the modern...

Sharing Space: Holy Land

Sharing Space: Holy Land

Your turn! Consider these questions and share your responses in the comments. What does the term "holy land" mean to you? What makes a land holy? How do you find a sense of sanctuary in Nature? Do you practice the art of sacred strolling / forest bathing / sauntering?...