Of Wisdom

Wellsprings of Wisdom is a site for your soul, an island of quiet contemplation in a sea of noisy information. Pause here to refresh your soul, re-enchant your world, and renew your inner life.

Meet The Nature Rabbi

Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan is a student and teacher of Jewish wisdom, who finds her inspiration in nature as well as in ancient texts. She serves as rabbi of Seaside Jewish Community in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Rabbi Julie grew up in South Texas, has lived in Israel, and has also  served congregations in Texas, Northern California, and the Hudson Valley of New York.

Rabbi Julie was ordained through the ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal Rabbinical Program where she was a student of  the late Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, founder of the Jewish Renewal movement. Rabbi Julie holds a PhD in Hebrew Studies (Rabbinic Literature and Culture) from the University of Texas at Austin and has taught for universities and seminaries. 

Rabbi Julie loves nature photography and took the photos on this home page, as well many others throughout the site as noted. You can see more of her photos and also purchase prints and downloads on her photography site: Inspired Images

Newest Points of Interest

Browse the most recent journey points that have been added to the virtual retreat center.

Hide and Seek with the Shekhinah: Thoughts for Purim and Beyond

Babies love to play peekaboo, as a parent or caregiver hides their face for a moment and then pops out again to the baby’s delight. At six to twelve months, infants are developing “object permanence,” the crucial concept that just because someone or something isn’t...

A tribute to the Moon

Since I started this website, I've been doing a lot more of my own photography, so to enhance the Gateway of The Moon, here's my lunar photo gallery of some of my favorites (click on each photo to enlarge), with a video Reel link at the end. [gallery columns="1"...

Ancient Wisdom for Current Times

The Torah portion, Beshallach (Exodus 13:17-17:16), contains one of the most dramatic episodes in the Bible. The Israelites have escaped slavery in Egypt, but as they are fleeing they are caught before a raging sea. And in back of them, the armies of Pharoah are...

Where Do You Keep Your Spiritual Treasures?

A quick mini-retreat: Take a moment now to put things down, relax, and take a deep breath. Let the world fade away as you bring to mind a moment that felt particularly awesome, or when some kind of curtain slipped away between you and the bigger picture of Life. What...

GPS for Your Inner Landscape – Now on Substack, too

Shalom! At Wellsprings of Wisdom, I aspire to help readers connect to the soul by connecting to the beauty of the natural world and Jewish and world wisdom about nature. Just as the earth has her seas, gardens, rivers, and mountains, inside each of us is our sea of...

Blessings for the New Year

As this New Year 5785 takes flight, may we care for our environment, spread love and compassion, and most of all, seek peace. Sending you blessings for a good and sweet new year, fill with excellent health and abundant happiness, and may your heart's prayers be...

Let Nature Guide You Into the New Year (encore video)

L'Shanah Tovah, Tikateyvu! May you be inscribed for a good and sweet New Year! We are about to embark on the Jewish New Year 5785, a day also known as the "birthday of the World," and so a day to contemplate how to honor and steward our natural environment and all its...

Spirituality at the Seashore: Recorded Class

Shalom! My latest blog post was announcing class that I taught on Spirituality at the Seashore. I taught the class twice: for ALEPH Alliance for Jewish Renewal and for Seaside Jewish Community. Here's a video of the latter, combining nature photography, ancient...

Join Me for an Online Class of Spirituality at the Seashore!

In a sense, this whole site is about your inner landscape, how you are a part of nature, not apart from nature. I'm grateful that ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal has invited me to teach on the subject. And since I now live near the seashore, that will be my topic...

Lost a few months of posts…

Shalom! Due to a transition in my website management, several of my posts over the holiday season, plus one about recent events in Israel, have disappeared. Sorry for the inconvenience and I plan to update soon!