The five famous fruit trees of the Holy Land are noted along with two grains as the “Seven Species” (Shivat Haminim, (Deuteronomy 8:8). Embrace their bounty in artwork, Sukkah and home decorations, and foods for Jewish celebrations, especially Tu Bishvat (New Year of Trees). In California, my husband Avraham planted all five in our garden.
Proceed to Torah study about trees, or return to the Gateway of Trees.
A farmer by birth.I love trees and horticulture.
That’s great!
Studying fruit trees of Israel is my favourite ambition. So I’M LL be more than grateful if you will supply me with many or all that you have in Israel. But you have not mentioned Grapes why? Is it not a fruit tree?.Looking forward to hear from you regularly.
Wonderful. Yes, Grapes are pictured here and are considered one of the famed fruits of the Holy Land.