As my interest in Nature Photography has blossomed, people have asked to buy prints. So in addition to Wellsprings of Wisdom, I have started a separate site dedicated to my Nature Photography: Inspired Images. You can enjoy my galleries, browse my Instagram photos, and also purchase a variety of prints or downloads. More products will be added in the coming months. I’m still filling it with my very best and favorite photographs, but I couldn’t wait to share. Do check back in the coming days and weeks as more photos are added!

Selfie with Camera, 2020
PS Be assured that I’ll keep Wellsprings of Wisdom as my site for educational and spiritual content!
Inspired Images will be my photo store.
I am also a student of Rabbi Ted Falcon, until he moved to Seattle. I live in Henderson, Nevada and am spiritually dry here in the desert If you would be so kind I would love to view your programs in December
Thanks so much for your interest. You can find a recording of a Hanukkah related class that I taught last year here:
This month I’ll be teaching a different class about Hanukah for Congregation Beth Israel of Chico, California, on Saturday night, November 20. There will be a zoom login. You can go to their website and email them for the information.
Hi Julie! Just found your site – beautiful words.
Thank you so much! Blessings for the Winter Solstice and new solar year.