Colorado Sunset, JHD

As Hanukkah approaches, I will be teaching some online classes and invite you to join in!

Tikkun Olam Through the Ages
With Rabbi Julie Danan

A free mini-course (donations welcome). Hosted by Ruach HaMidbar, Arizona
Sundays, Dec 6, 13 and 20 – starting at 5 p.m. EASTERN time (90 minutes each)
The session on December 13 will focus on Tikkun Olam in Kabbalah and the connection to Hanukkah 

To get the Zoom information, email: wellspringsofwisdom at gmail.
Rather than a perfect creation corrupted by humanity, Jewish tradition proposes that God created an imperfect world requiring human repair. “Tikkun Olam” (repairing the world) has become a popular term for social action, but its deep roots go back two millennia in Jewish thought. Over three sessions we will meet and dialogue over sources about Tikkun Olam in early Rabbinic literature, in Kabbalah, and in modern social activism. (The Dec. 13 class will take place on Hanukkah and include Kabbalistic traditions of Tikkun related to Hanukkah.) We will explore Jewish history and theology through the lens of world repair and consider the connection between our own spirituality and our commitment to social justice.


Entering the Darkness – The Night Before Hanukkah
With Rabbi Julie Hilton Danan

Hosted by Havurah Synagogue, Ashland, Oregon

Join us on Wednesday, December 9 at 8:00 PM Eastern Time. Sliding scale contributions: $5-$18. All welcome. Go HERE to learn more.

Please bring a single candle or oil lamp
Music by Rabbi David Zaslow

The night AFTER this class starts the festival of light. To fully appreciate the light, first enter the darkness. We will explore the theme of darkness in Jewish tradition, then learn about a Midrashic and Kabbalistic tradition of a hidden light that may be hiding in plain sight and especially apparent at Hanukkah. Get ready to experience darkness, light, and to light up the night. Bring a single candle or oil lamp and something to light it with.