What is the meaning of The Sea in your life?
Do you live near a sea, ocean, or lake, or visit often? Which one(s)? Do you go there for healing, spirituality, adventure?
Have you ever lived through a flood or other natural disaster (or helped to rebuild) and what was your experience?
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Featured Image: Tasmanian Beach, by Marcy Gray: “Sitting quietly, waiting for darkness to fall and penguins to appear along with glorious Southern Hemisphere star-filled sky.”
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I can’t get to the ocean very often (lucky to see it once a year), but I can still go to a river and just watch the water go by. Sometimes just being in nature can fill me with a sense of the beauty of our world. My favorite is to go to the beach in the winter, when I can be the only one there – sit and read while the waves come in and go out. So peaceful.
Isn’t it amazing what a short time in nature will do, especially by water? If you want to have a taste of an empty winter beach, there is a video I made and put on the Gateway of the Sea: http://americanencounter.org/winter-at-the-beach/
The sea is where we came from as a species. We are made of mostly saltwater, just like the ocean, and in a way it is just an extension of our body. Without the sea we could not exist, but we have forgotten that as we make our way inward to land. Everytime I go to the ocean I feel a sense of ease and purpose, a connection to something that I don’t have to articulate in order for it to feel real.
I read one essay from a writer who said she had become secular, but going to the Sea was a kind of religious experience for her because it connected her with something much larger than herself and enabled her to immerse in that.
I stood on banks of the Hudson River yesterday, and felt the energy that comes from being at a mighty river that is flowing close to the sea. Waves lap the shore, gulls fly and swoop, tugboats and lighthouses dot the landscape. I felt a sense of renewal by partaking in that energy.